I’m Kathryn. I’m a mover and movement educator/writer journalist based in Rhode Island. Professionally, I write mainly about dance and yoga (Dance Informa regularly, and singular projects with other publications).
I also offer communications consulting for performing artists (copywriting and editing, strategic consulting, or simply a second opinion: touch base for rates and sliding-scale options!). It's quite gratifying to support various types of movers and artists through this work.
I'm also passionate and curious about politics, policy, social justice, and activism. You can find my writing on those topics on my blog here and on medium.com. I've brought those interests together through a YouTube show called "Move for a Movement", where I spotlight various artists doing great work at the intersection of dance and social justice: check out that page on this site to learn more!
Outside of work, I enjoy taking yoga and dance classes, listening to music and comedy specials, time in nature, and a cup of coffee with a good friend or two. Cheers!​
The George Washington University
Lesley University
Ananda Garudasana Yoga Teacher Training
Flow and Grow Kids Yoga
Aura Wellness Center
CYT​ (Certified Kids' Yoga Teacher)
R-DMT (Registered Dance/Movement Therapist)
member of the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA)
Email Kathryn: kb1moves@gmail.com
Email Move for a Movement: move4amovement@gmail.com
Kathryn on social media: @kb1moves on Instagram, @KathrynBoland2​ on Twitter
Move for a Movement on social media: Move for a Movement on YouTube and Facebook, @moveforamovement on Instagram, @move4amovement on Twitter